School Closings
School Closing or Delay at the start of the school day:If RCSC should be closed or delayed due to bad weather, etc., the announcement will be made on TV-18 (Lafayette), WLQI (97.7 FM), WRIN (1560 AM) WASK (98.7 FM), WVLI (95.1 FM), WIVR (101.7 FM) and WFAV (103.7 FM) radio between 6:00-6:30 A.M. If students have boarded buses in the morning and school must be closed, the busses will return the students to their homes immediately.
Early Dismissals:
If reason occurs to close school early for student safety issues (weather, etc...) posting on the above outlets will occur as soon as humanly possible. The schools will follow the student early dismissal plan parents filled out at registration.
Notification System:
Brightarrow text/e-mail will go out to all who are registered for it. For more information, click here.